10 Crazy Good Homesteading Goals For Beginners

Sometimes, I still can’t believe I’m a sort of, kind of, almost homesteader. My goals once centered around rank advancements and a new pair of heels; what do I know about good homesteading goals? We moved to the ‘stead just over three years ago, and although we had intended to dive right in, we had not planned on getting pregnant …

Why Quitting Social Media Is A Great Stay At Home Mom Move

When I decided that I was quitting social media for a year, even I was skeptical. I mean, if you’re living in the 21st Century but not posting about it, are you even alive? It wasn’t a long drawn, well thought out move, either. It was a completely spur-of-the-moment, conviction-of-the-soul, fit of desperation. Basically, I was sick of myself and …

How To Start Living a Slow Life

Living a slow life is in alignment with every fiber of my homebody being. I was the anomaly amongst my team, back when I was building an online business in a very hustle-centric atmosphere. When everyone was “hustling” for their last minute sales of the month, I was calmly making peace with having not met the company set goal. I …

How I Came To Love Being A Homemaker

First of all, I want to point out the pink elephant in the room… I don’t use the term “being a homemaker” all that often, here. In fact, even my tagline is a quip about “stay at home momming.” So why write a post about being a homemaker? The reason is simple: I’ve been a stay at home mom since …

Six Things To Let Go Of For An Intentional New Year

I’m going to go ahead and open this up with a spoiler alert: in my list of obnoxious things to let go of, a few vanity pounds didn’t make the cut. Oh, we will be discussing weight loss. But it’s not what you think. How do you know you have things to let go of? I’m going to go out …

Starting a Homestead From Scratch

Once upon a time, in a land far far away ninety minutes away, there was a girl who had no interest whatsoever in starting a homestead from scratch. In fact, this girl was more interested in collecting name brand heels and expensive jewelry. It was a land where all things Michael Kors held a special place in her heart and …

Thrive As An Introvert Stay At Home Mom

At first glance, it might seem that of course an introvert stay at home mom will thrive…she gets to stay home! Isn’t that where introverts want to be anyways? The short answer is yes. The long answer is also… umm, yes. But life is a little more complex when you add in the “mom” part. Introverts love to be home …