Losing Yourself In Motherhood: Life Strategy Series for Moms

Why do moms lose their identity?

Introduction to a five part series inspiring, encouraging, and equipping stay at home moms who are ready for more, to step into their every calling with confidence and clarity.

I’ll tell you what, last year was full on identity crisis for me. I mean, quick disclaimer, I’m a Christian mom so ultimately my identity is found in Christ. I never want to belittle that very real, very enough fact.


Figuring out what that means, and how to live that out practically, is still a struggle. Identity, as a mom, is still a struggle even if you love Jesus.

“The fact that my identity must be in Christ doesn’t change the fact that I am this person and not that one, that I am from here and not there, and that I have this history and these relationships, and not those.”

Kelly M. Kapic, You’re Only Human

What is Motherhood Identity Crisis?

Maybe it’s because it hits so close to home, but this very idea has been weighing heavily on me for years. You spend your whole life being you, you get married, have a few babies, and your whole world changes.

Which is actually pretty great.

But then your babies grow up a little. And what was once a season with no time at all, now becomes a season with pockets of free space. You look around and wonder: what do I even want? Who am I?

Maybe you’re thirty pounds heavier. Maybe you gave up your obesession with high heels and adopted a low key style. Maybe you look in the mirror and can’t figure out who that person is staring back at you.

Y’all this can be a very disconcerting feeling!

You haven’t had much time to worry about you, in the last ten years, and now… where did you go?

Hobbies change, dreams change, desires change. What happens with the passion that you once poured into a hobby that you no longer have time for? Does it disappear, never to be seen again? More importantly, should it?

Rediscovering Yourself After Motherhood

Why do moms lose their identity? Because they’re good moms! They gave everything… every last thing… to their family. They sacrificed, and they laid down their lives, and they didn’t hold anything back.

Now, I’m not saying that if you didn’t lose yourself in motherhood that you’re a bad mom. I’m only suggesting that losing yourself is an okay thing for a time.

But every season must end.

That’s why I’m writing this five part series for stay at home moms to rediscover themselves. Even as I walk my own journey, having floundered for the last year, I want to come alongside other moms who are ready to step into that next season with confidence and clarity.

Because look. You are a mom- and a darn good one- but that is not the beginning and the end to who you are. You are more than that. And someday these sweet little chubby fingers will no longer reach for your hand, and you’re going to need to know what else you should be doing with those hands of yours.

So how do I get my identity back after kids?


Okay y’all, this is where the fun begins. Over the next five blog posts, I’m going to walk you step by step through the process of rediscovering what you once knew and uncovering what you don’t yet realize, about yourself.

As we contemplate why moms lose their identity, we’re going to explore:

By the end of this five part series, you will know who you are, what you want, and where you’re going.

And, look, if it turns out that you are a mom with kids who wants more kids and then wants all of your grandkids around all the time, that is perfectly fine!

This isn’t a call to be great.

This isn’t a call to make something of yourself as if motherhood isn’t something enough.

This isn’t a push to being spectacular in any way.

This is simply a guided post series to helping you become you again, because so many moms lose their identity and it’s time to get it back.

Let’s find ourselves again after a season of sacrifice!

Losing your identity to motherhood is a common problem many moms face, especially, maybe, stay at home moms. Our whole lives, every moment of the day, revolves around what we do in service to our family. It’s a noble cause and an admirable endeavor. But if you find yourself in the next season, and you want to turn the page with more confidence and greater clarity, then follow along with this Losing Yourself In Motherhood series!

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