The 12 Greatest Books for Homemakers Who Want More

Why does the internet consistently and tirelessly feed into the idea that the best books for homemakers are those of the self-help genre? We’re all just one google search away from feeling like being content is an anomaly in our profession.

close up of a pile of books

What makes a woman a homemaker?

When a woman chooses to be intentional in the way she manages her home, she’s a homemaker. Embracing your role, regarding it as your career, really turns dissatisfied maiding into sanctified homemaking.

Being a stay at home mom is a noble endeavor, and one that is disregarded in our culture. Unfortunately, in today’s economy, to be at home cultivating a warm environment for your family is to be stifled.

Rather than seeing the importance of creating a safe and loving, productive and efficient home, it’s seen as backwards, old school, and wildly outdated.

Being a homemaker isn’t easy… or always natural.

Why read homemaking books in the first place? Well, if you’re anything like me, being a homemaker doesn’t exactly come naturally.

Sure, there are those who were born with that gene already in place and raring to go. Then there are those of us who need to light a little fire under that gene.

Or even just try to find it.

These books are the best I’ve read for homemakers who need a little lot of inspiration.

close up of a pile of books

Are the best books for homemakers actually self-help books for stay at home moms?

Absolutely not. When I searched for the best books for stay at home moms, I was accosted with self-help junk.

Look. I used to be a self-help junkie. I ate it up. Even now, I very rarely read fiction; preferring, instead, to increase my knowledge/skills in some facet.

But why oh why does the world believe that stay at home moms need help coping with their lives?

Why have we bought into the lie that to give yourself for your family is a waste of your life?

Nothing changed my entire life quite like finding books which supported my heart’s desire to be a stay at home mom and nurtured my inherent need to create.

These books are the best books because they don’t just tell you how to be happy. They inspire you to live every day with joy- not despite your role, but through your role.

Can homemaking books help me even if I don’t call myself a homemaker?

The answer is obviously yes. In fact, I didn’t call myself a homemaker until after reading some of these books. They helped me realize that being a homemaker isn’t an old-fashioned profession. And denying that title is actually perpetuating the idea that it’s somehow demeaning or less than.

Homemaking is one of the most important jobs there is. I used to want to be anything but just a stay at home mom. Now, I can’t imagine being anything but the homemaker that I am.

The 12 Best Books For Homemakers and Stay At Home Moms, Alike!

Side note: I’ve added links to every book to make it easier for you to score your own copy but I’m not an amazon affiliate; just a frequent shopper!

pile of books sitting on a blanket

Mom Specific Books:

1. Motherhood Without All The Rules by Maggie Combs

What I loved most about this book was the way she took the emphasis off of impressing others. Not that any of us wants to admit that that’s we sometimes do, try to impress. But Maggie Combs takes a lot of the pressures society places on our shoulders, whether culture or Christian culture, and lightens the burden with God’s grace.

2. Mere Motherhood by Cindy Rollins

This book is widely cited in homeschool circles, but the content is more far reaching than that. What Cindy does is share her life’s journey, her mothering, and enlightens her readers to the possibility of a different way to parent. I was laughing on one page, crying on the next. Cindy, through this book, made it okay to be the mom I am and to want to be even better tomorrow.

3. There’s No Such Thing As Bad Weather by Linda Akeson McGurk

When I was reading this book, I was more than convinced that the author had every right to speak on the subject. I was also convinced that I should probably pack up my family and move to some Scandinavian country. But that’s neither here nor there.

This book is the single lone reason why my kids now have “any weather coveralls” for playing outside in- you guessed it- any weather. Helicopter parents be warned, this is going to challenge what you believe about safety!

4. Let Them Be Kids by Jessica Smartt

If I could choose just one parenting book for moms and dads alike, it would be this one. In fact, before I was even finished reading it, my husband devoured it.

It’s written to women, yet it’s full of co-ed solid information. All inclusive and comprehensive, I know that I will turn to it again and again. It may also very well be my new go-to “expecting mom” present of choice.

stack of books on a blanket

Best Books for Homemakers in General:

5. Open Door Living by Jen Schmidt

book standing next to a small lantern

It’s a book as big as your child’s favorite picture book, yet it’s packed with encouragement and inspiration for ways to make your home more welcoming. If you struggle with hospitality, this book makes it simple for you.

Side note, I’m linking this book to where you can find it on Amazon, but I got my copy at Ollie’s for $3. Just saying!

6. Life Management for Busy Women by Elizabeth George

You either love her or… not so much her… but she knows what she’s talking about. The type A list making nerd in me really loves how Elizabeth breaks down the chapters in this book. She covers how to manage literally every area of your life.

Take some, leave some, like I did. But don’t bypass this read!

7. Decluttering at the Speed of Life and How to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind by Dana K. White

I had to include both of these books by Dana because they are both hilarious and wonderful. I mean, total transparency, total relatability, total good stuff here.

If you struggle to declutter (or if you don’t!), if you have too much stuff, or if you just want to laugh at someone who does, these are awesome books to read. I gifted them to my sister for Christmas, not because she has a lot of decluttering to do but because they are just that good.

But as far as the advice for the decluttering-challenged, I’ve not found any better than what can be found right here. She introduced me to the term “clutter threshold”, and if you don’t know what that is, you must dive right in!

8. The Life Giving Home by Sally and Sarah Clarkson

book with fire in background

When I had to choose to share my favorite book of the year, I chose this one. Sally Clarkson is a personal favorite of mine, and her inspiration is all over her daughter’s writing. They broke this book’s chapters up by month and spend each one discussing how to make your house a home depending on the season.

Season of the year, season of life, it doesn’t matter. There are nuggets of literal gold between the covers, and I would recommend this book to anyone who considers themselves a homemaker or stay at home mom.

9. The Christian Homemaker’s Handbook by Pat Ennis and Dorothy Kelley Patterson

I found this book to be enlightening and charming, full of practical information as well as a look into the pages of history. What do I mean by that? Any google search of this title will bring you to reviews such as “outdated.”

And sometimes it really is. But mostly, only in part six when these authors dive into clothing choices. Not because modesty is dead, but because shoulder pads are.

The first five parts make this book worth adding to your library, though!

10. Home Management Plain and Simple by Kim Brenneman

Kim’s book was the first I read in terms of actual homemaking practicalities. I love the simplicity in which she wrote, the way that she made her advice easy to apply. This is the sort of book that doesn’t just inspire you to be a better homemaker, it actually teaches you how to be.

Her homeschooling advice is spot on, too! Whenever you look up best books for homemakers, this one is sure to pop up near the top!

11. The Bible

pink bible on a blanket

I mean, what kind of Christian stay at home mom would I be if I didn’t suggest reading the bible as one of the best books for homemakers? Thee best book. The one that trumps all other books.

Y’all, there is a lot of good homemaking stuff in there. And not just in Proverbs 31, either. This is the kind of advice that surpasses any and al roles. It’s just good living.

If the bible matters at all, it matters most. It matters only. #justsaying #readyobible

12. Embracing Obscurity by Anonymous

I stumbled upon this book while perusing the shelves of a church book shop, I was visiting. I tried to read it as soon as it was purchased, but I wasn’t ready for the message. So, I set it down for a few days years.

When I picked it back up though? Oh man. This book was not written for homemakers, specifically, but if there’s any one group of people who feels unseen on a daily basis, it’s us. Homemakers. Stay at home moms.

This book validates those feelings. Not just those feelings, but that it’s okay to live in obscurity. Or, quite possibly, not just okay but desirable.

I bet you’ve never heard of this book before. But you have got to make it yours now that you have!

stacks of books for homemakers

These are some of the best books for homemakers that I’ve personally read and added to my library. What would you add to this list?


  1. Feeling Inadequate As a Mom? Four Simple Tips to Let That Feeling Go - sunrise and grind | 7th Feb 22

    […] read a book (you’ll find it in this post) that talked about having a clutter threshold. It was a book about decluttering your house. But […]

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