Have you ever stopped, dropped, and danced the minute your favorite song came on the radio? Or swayed to your pandora while washing dishes? Your body was created for rhythm. And not just musical rhythm. Think about the way you wake up every morning and sleep every evening. The rhythm of rest. Or the way you look forward to the …
I wanted to compile a list of slow living tips in order to help hurried mamas take a deep breath and begin to enjoy their lives again! You may not be able to do every thing listed, you may not even want to do it, but certainly if you choose a few to implement straight away, you’ll be on your …
Taking steps to a more natural lifestyle can feel daunting and overwhelming, especially if you try to take every step at once. That’s why I’ve decided to simplify the process. Baby steps are the simplest ways to get you from where you are to where you want to go! To begin taking steps to a more natural lifestyle, ask yourself …
Living a slow life is in alignment with every fiber of my homebody being. I was the anomaly amongst my team, back when I was building an online business in a very hustle-centric atmosphere. When everyone was “hustling” for their last minute sales of the month, I was calmly making peace with having not met the company set goal. I …
I’m going to go ahead and open this up with a spoiler alert: in my list of obnoxious things to let go of, a few vanity pounds didn’t make the cut. Oh, we will be discussing weight loss. But it’s not what you think. How do you know you have things to let go of? I’m going to go out …
I was unfamiliar with the stay at home mom blues, when they struck, because for the majority of my mom hood, I’ve been a mom of one. She was a compliant, wiser than her years, totally my tiny buddy one; I never had to worry much about how I would do anything because she was so easy to do everything …
I was born with a melancholy personality. It’s true. I have a natural tendency to be slightly gloomy, and I’m totally okay with that. In fact, I might be a little too okay with that… a little too comfortable with an “eh” fog hovering around me. I know, I know, that’s the first paragraph anyone would want to read when …